Born amidst the rich cultural tradition of Northeast, Chico Science began to experiment with afro bloco (Carnival group) Lamento Negro's Gilmar, blending maracatu with reggae, funk, rap, and rock. The mixture of regional rhythms with world pop music, played by guitar, bass, samplers, and other tech gadgets, was named by him as "mangue" (a reference to the mud flats of Recife). With the later addition by the press of the word "beat", it remained an umbrella denomination to the pop adaptations suffered by ancient folkloric Northeastern musics. It grew as a movement (though forever uncoordinated) after Science's involvement with Mundo Livre S/A's Fred 04, who contributed with the conceptualization. The result was Science's manifesto Caranguejos com Cérebro (brained crabs), another reference to the mangues of Recife, related to the crabs which live in the mud. After being recognized in their region, Chico Science e Nação Zumbi began to perform in Southeast, when they were invited for the Brazilian MTV Awards and MTV No Ar. ... ( more )
Alvaro Neder, All Music Guide