Estrela da Lapa - 07/02/2007
Vocal & Guitar : Paulinho Moska
Pandeiro : Marcos Suzano
Born in Rio de Janeiro 1967 : Pursuing an artistic career, Paulinho Moska studied theatre at the Casa das Artes de Laranjeiras in Rio. After a few jobs as an actor, he found his way back to music. . . . For Paulinho those early 90s were musically dominated by powerful rock bands like Nirvana, Lenny Kravitz and Pearl Jam. The influences of that preference are clearly noticeable on his debut album, the earlier mentioned Vontade. For music critics that album is enough reason to qualify Paulinho as a rock artist. That was not what he had in mind though. Paulinho started questioning his life as an artist. He joined a study group on the work of French theorist Gilles Deleuze, and that brought Paulinho in contact with philosophy and other art forms. Translated in music, this meant that his next album was a mixture of pop and MPB with lyrics reflecting his interest in existentialism. A few career steps later, the live album Através do Espelho (1997) added yet another new facet: the bonus track on that cd, the song "Mesmice," showed the first use of electronics in Paulinho's music. That approach grew and reached a climax on the album Mobile (1999). While touring to promote the cd, Moska, who stopped using his first name as an artist, democratically honoured the talent of his three accompanying musicians. The band was called Quarteto Móbile/Moska.
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