April 30, 2010

Originais do Samba


With a particular blend of traditional samba and humor, Os Originais do Samba became a commercial success.

The group started in 1960 as Os Sete Modernos do Samba. The next year they were invited by Carlos Machado to perform the show O Teu Cabelo Não Nega, about Lamartine Babo, and they changed their name to Os Originais do Samba. It was followed by a six-month stay in Mexico and performances in Puerto Rico and Brazil. After settling in São Paulo in 1968 they were invited to back Elis Regina in the I Bienal do Samba .

In 1977 the group's formation was: Bigode (leader/pandeiro/vocals), Zeca do Cavaco (cavaquinho/banjo), Sócrates (guitar), Rubinho Lima (percussion), Valtinho Tato (percussion), and Gibi (reco-reco, tamborim). ( Alvaro Neder, All Music Guide )

Originais do Samba - "TV Cultura" program 1972, Radiola.
