November 24, 2011

Vanessa da Mata & Ben Harper | Boa Sorte /Good Luck

@01:36 . Posted by "Maneoli" .

Ben Harper featuring Venessa da Mata  at the Praia Skol Music,  06/02/2011 , Campreche - Praia do Riozinho - SC .

Vanessa da Mata was born in 1976, in Alto Garças, Mato Grosso – a small town surrounded by rivers and waterfalls 400 kms from Cuiabá. A self-taught musician, she listened to a range of music in her childhood, from Luiz Gonzaga to Tom Jobim, and also Milton Nascimento and Orlando Silva. She also listed to folk musics such as carimbó, samba or caipira, and even to kitsch old Italian songs, along with anything else that came through the AM airwaves.... ( read more )