October 23, 2009

Cyro Baptista & the Banquet of the Spirits featuring Makigami Koichi- "Forro for All"


Other / Other 05:33, 06:50 crowd participation.

This video was shot in Tokyo, Japan at the "Where is the Music?" Festival. Uploaded by jbias82.

Makigami Koichi is leader/vocalist/theremin/mouth harp player for rock band HIKASHU ( Japanese underground "avant-pop" collective ), known for his virtuosic vocal range and expression as well as his unique incorporation of elements of theatre, performance, and entertainment, all of which make this Japanese band so widely acclaimed both critically and popularly.

He is also active as voice improvisation artist and solo performer. In addition to recordings with HIKASHU, Makigami released a solo album in 1992 of re-worked, reinterpreted old Japanese popular songs, produced by John Zorn. Together with this recorded work, he has conducted a series of concerts under this project.